I think the equip load may also affect the range on the jumping r2 because i go absolutely flying at sub 30% load, but I haven't confirmed this. Katanas do not get a lot of hyperarmor so I think sacrificing some absorption in exchange for light rolls is the better thing to do when running katanas as you don't want to be poise trading anyway. Now if the enemy is being cautious with going for the whiff punish wou always have the r1 attack from the hold position, which is a nice mixup and has good range and speed. The riposte boost combined with my ar boost from flynn's ring and power within on my 60 dex sl120 chaos blade build will very easily get over 1.1k damage at medium absorptions, outright ending the fight a lot of the time.

This gives me the riposte more often than not to the point of running hornet's ring in a dedicated slot on my build because it gets so much value. I've found this to be most useful when I miss a running r1, because as the opponent comes to whiff punish I can access the parry very quickly. I've used katanas in pvp for a little while now (mainly chaos blade) and a thing you can do that I haven't seen anyone mention is use the hold WA to go straight into it after an attack, which lets you access the WA r1 or the parry earlier than it might visually seem.

Rank 1 reward in the Mound-Makers covenant Looted from a Mimic near the Flame Demon on the way to Smouldering Lakeĭropped by Black Hand Kamui at the top floor the Grand Archives Outside of the Untended Graves, Firelink Shrine Sold by the Shrine Handmaid after giving her the Easterner's Ashes for 7,500 soulsĭropped by Sword Master Saber just outside Firelink Shrine Durability / Weight - Attack Type - Skillĭropped by Yuria of Londor at Firelink Shrine